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Technology Overview

Atego delivers stable, robust embedded solutions and working environments to thousands of users across an extensive range of complex applications in demanding engineering sectors such as aerospace, automotive, avionics, defense, electronics, medical, telecommunications and transportation. Our process, requirements, modeling, development, validation, verification and runtime products include;

A complete family of embedded, real-time & safety-critical Java VM’s with support for the most popular target processors inc. multi-core support and a large selection of (RTOSs).

A powerful programming language and the best choice for complex development projects, providing robust tools and comprehensive reference documentation.

Scalable UML, SysML, UPDM (DoDAF/MODAF), modeling, document generation, automated design review, code generation and Synch (C, C++, C#, Java, Ada, VB).

Co-Simulate 3rd party tools, simulation for time-triggered architectures, compatible with AUTOSAR, Hardware/Software/Model-in-the-loop co-simulation.

A multiuser, scalable repository for all of your system and software engineering artifacts, with web-based access, enabling large-scale reuse.

An independent, requirements data synchronization solution that enables the exchange of requirements across different tools and tool versions.

Provides a highly scalable, practical approach for establishing, measuring, managing & improving your organizations operational, engineering and development processes.

Plug-and-play, integrated engineering environment for mission and safety-critical systems and software engineering collaboration.

C/C++ integrated development environment, including diagram-structogram-source-browser code editors, debugging, build, testing and document generation.

Expertise in all products, methodologies, architectures, testing, V&V – Consulting, Training, Mentoring and Customization.

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