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Homepage / Simulation / HeliSIM

HeliSIM is the industry standard solution for creating high-fidelity rotary wing flight dynamic simulation. From building and evaluating existing and future rotary wing platforms, simulators, training equipment, and cockpits to developing part-task trainers, HeliSIM is ideal for safety critical simulation applications.

Using HeliSIM, you can:

  • Conceive and deploy a complete aerodynamic model for the real-time simulation of any rotary wing aircraft without writing a single line of code
  • Test both aircraft design and aircraft performance under controlled, simulated conditions
  • Specify subsystems behavior, including flight management systems, autopilot, and flight controls
  • Easily integrate virtual and/or real hardware devices and user-development simulation modules
  • Quickly and easily tailor helicopter simulation by entering aerodynamics and environmental parameters into windows and dialog boxes rather than writing software routines to perform the simulation
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